Saturday, October 11, 2008

Term 4 Week 6: Littering and Vandalism

Hi Everyone,
There was no posting last week because of your Composition and Listening Comprehension Papers. For this week, I would like to focus on littering and vandalism. The school belongs to all of us. It is our common property. Hence, it is important to keep the common places clean. One way I do it is to remind myself 'Think of the next user. Let me keep it clean so that the next person can use it too'. I hope you can reflect on littering and vandalism in your own blog. As usual, to help you along, I will list some questions:
1. What is 'littering' and 'vandalism'? (Check the dictionary if you are not sure)
2. Do you know the difference?
3. Why do some children litter and vandalise?
4. How do you feel when the place is littered or vandalised?
5.Have you seen places that are littered or vandalise? Where?
6. How can we stop littering and vandalism in the school?
7. What should we do to those who litter or vandalise?

Hope to read your response soon.
Mr Ong


walllaceauyeehin said...

Can you remove the picture about the toilet with the shit.It is very disgusting.

Ong JC said...

Hi Wallace,
If it is disgusting to you, I hope it is disgusting to others as well. Pupils who use the toilet must bear in mind that if they do not practise good toilet habits, the next user will find it very disgusting. As a reminder to everyone to help keep the toilet clean, I think this picture will stay. Thanks for your comment.
Mr Ong