Sunday, August 24, 2008

Term 3 Week 10 : Computer Games

Hi Everyone,
There has been a lot of discussions about students spending a lot of time playing computer games. In this week, I would like you to reflect on this issue. If you spend a lot of time playing computer games, you will have no problem giving your views. However, for those who do not play computer games, you are encouraged to give your opinions too. To help you in writing your reflection, I have listed some questions below:

1. Do you play computer games? If you do, why do you do so? If not, why are you not doing so?
2. What computer game/s do you play?
3. Why are you attracted to the computer game?
4. Do you think many students play computer games? Why do you think they do so?
5. How many hours do you spend playing computer games in one week?
6. Do you think playing computer games will affect your studies? Please explain.
7. Are you aware that people can be addicted to computer games? If so, what are you doing about it?

Hope to read your response soon.

Mr Ong

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Term 3 Week 9 : The Olympic Games

Hi Everyone,
We are in the midst of the Olympics and Singapore has finally got a medal. For this week, I want you to reflect on the Olympics and what it means to you. To help you with your reflection, I have listed some questions below:
1. What is the origin of 'Olympics' ?
2. Why is it such an important event in sports?
3. Have you watched any Olympic event? Why/Why not?
4. Which athlete/s or event impresses you most? Why?
5. Would you like to participate in the Olympics Games? If so, what event would you like to take part and why?
6. Do you think it is worth organising the Olympics? Why?

Please post your response in your blog. Love to read it soon.

Mr Ong

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Term 3 Week 8 : National Day

Hi Everyone,
We have just celebrated our National Day. P5 also attended the NE Show which is similar to the National Day Parade. For this week, we will reflect on the significance of National Day. To guide you , I have posed some questions below:
1. What is National Day?
2. Why do we celebrate National Day?
3. How did you celebrate National Day?
4. What do you think of our school's National Day celebration?
5. For the P5 pupils who attended the NE Show, what was your impression of it?
6. In what ways can we improve in our celebration of National Day?

In your reflection, do include some photographs of National Day celebration if you have.
I am looking forward to reading your response.

Mr Ong

Friday, August 1, 2008

Term 3 Week 7 : Copyright

Hi Everyone,
This week, you will reflect on what you have learnt about 'copyright'. In order to help you with your reflection, I have put up some questions:
1. What is 'copyright'?
2. Give some examples of resources that have copyright.
3. Why do you think it is wrong to infringe on the copyright of others?
4. What do you have to do if you want to use the materials of others?
5. What may happen if you use the materials of others without their permission?
6. Have you seen others infringing on the copyright of others? What did they do?
7. What can you do to make sure that you do not infringe on the copyright of others?

In order to understand the issues of copyright, you might want to check this link:

I am eagerly waiting to read your response.
Have a happy weekend.

Mr Ong

Meaning of 'infringe' : If someone infringes a law or rule, they break it or do something which disobeys it.