Saturday, March 29, 2008

Top Ten Positions for Class Test 1

Hi Everyone,
I know you are waiting eagerly to know who are those in the top ten positions in English and Mathematics. Here they are :

Top Ten Pupils in English
1. Timothy Kor
2. Choi Minsup
3. Rommel Low
4. Phoon Chew Jian
5. Tan Li Wen
6. Justyn Au
7. Muhammad Ramadhan
8. Joleen Ho
9. Ashley Teo
10. Wallace Au
10. Nicole Liew

Top Ten Pupils in Mathematics
1. Goh Xi Qiang
2. Choi Minsup
3. Lynnette Lim
4. Timothy Kor
5. Justyn Au
6. Tan Juinn Guan
7. Ashley Teo
8. Wallace Au
8. Ding Huijian
10. Rommel Low

I hope you will continue studying hard especially with the SA1 coming. Those whose names are not on the list, hope to see your name there.

Best wishes
Mr Ong

Reflection 2: My Dream

Hi Everyone,
All of us dream of becoming somebody, owning something or doing something which we really want to do. Whatever it is, it will not be possible to realise our dream if we do not have a plan. In this reflection, I would like you to tell me about your dream. Here are some questions that may help you write down your reflection:
a) What is your dream?
b) Why do you think this dream is so important to you?
c) How do you plan to realise your dream?
d) Do you think people should have dreams? Why?

I hope you will write your reflection as comprehensively as possible. One or two sentences will not do justice to your dream.

Waiting eagerly to read your reflection.

Best wishes
Mr Ong

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Personal Response 1 : Racial Harmony

Hi Everyone,
Time seems to fly. We are now in Week 2. For this week, you are given a link. After you have read the story, you will give your personal response.
Week 2 : What you have to do
1. Go to this link:
Click on 'Articles' and go to '2. Regardless of race' article.
2. Read the article.
3. Give your personal response to what you have just read. To help you, I have given some questions for you to give your response. Here are the questions:
a) What do you think is 'racial harmony'?
b) How can misunderstanding among the various races arise?
c) What do you think of Rajah's solution? (He said, "We shan't be Chinese or Malay or Indian. Everyone is the same, no races at all and there will be no more fights."
d) How can we encourage people of different races to be friends?
e) What do you think our school should do on Racial Harmony Day?

In writing your personal response in your blog, please write the title : Personal Response 1 : Racial Harmony.

Happy writing. Waiting eagerly to read your responses.
Mr Ong

Monday, March 17, 2008

Reflection 1 : Looking Forward

Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to school. I hope you had a restful holiday. For Term 2, we will have journal writing. Every week, I will be posting some instructions on what you will have to do for journal writing. Please read the posts in this class blog and then write your reflection or personal response in your own blog. I will read and comment on your blog.
Week 1
You are to reflect on your own performance for the first class tests. What did you obtain for your class tests for the various subjects? How did you perform? How did you feel about your results? What are the reasons for your performance? Which subjects did you do well and which subjects did you not do so well? Any reasons? How do you propose to improve yourself this term? You may include photographs and other links if you like. Post your reflection under the title 'Reflection 1 : Looking Forward'. Your reflection should be as comprehensive as possible. I look forward to reading your posts.
Mr Ong