Thursday, February 21, 2008

Social Studies Learning Journey to Old Fort Factory and Bukit Chandu (2)

Another set of pictures of 5.4 pupils on their learning journey to Old Fort Factory and Bukit Chandu.

Social Studies Learning Journey to Old Fort Factory and Bukit Chandu (1)

Some pictures of 5.4 pupils on their learning journey to Old Fort Factory and Bukit Chandu.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Group 5 is leading in the Group Challenge

In our Group Challenge, Group 5 is leading with 103 points. Look at their happy faces. Well done!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Total Defence Day

Hi Everyone,
Friday, 15 Feb 2008 is Total Defence Day. On that day, we'll have several activities.
1. Temperature-Taking
Bring your thermometer so that you can take your temperature. If your thermometer is
defective, please buy a new one.
2. Total Defence Quiz
You'll read the display in the Skylite Cafe and then answer the questions. Prizes will be given
to winners for this quiz.
3. Fire Drill
There will be a fire-drill on that day. Be prepared!
4. Social Studies Learning Journey
Have you gone to the website I put up to learn about Bukit Chandu? If you haven't, you
should go there without any delay.

Assignment : Could you ponder over the following questions?
a) How can you help to defend Singapore?
b) Some young men have said that doing National Service is a waste of time. Do
you think so? Give reasons to support your answer.
c) Some people have said that Singapore is such a small country and it is impossible
to defend itself. Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answers.
Please post your comments under 'Total Defence'.
I look forward to reading your comments.
Mr Ong

Friday, February 1, 2008

Social Studies Learning Journey

Hi 5.4 Pupils,
You will be going on a learning journey on 20 Feb 2008. In order to prepare yourselves, please go to this website :

Pleasant learning!

Mr Ong